Monday, July 12, 2010

Family Reunion

My 16 year old Floridian cousin, Caitlin, and her stepsister, Megan, came in for a visit this weekend. We had a big family reunion type thing (I've affectionly dubbed it the family (dis)function) so she could meet everyone that she hadn't seen in ten or so years.

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Y'all, I love my family. I've been to family functions for other families and while those people might be saner... we're crazy and I love us.

My Aunt Linda and Mamaw doing their best Thelma & Louise:

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Aunt Linda, Aunt B, and my Mama. Aunt Linda was refusing to smile.
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I told her I'd been unsure to that point but now I knew for sure she was related to my dad. She erupted in a huge laugh.
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Caitlin and her Aunt Sandy. Or... Sandy and her Mini-Me. Caitlin is the spitting image of 16 year old Sandy.
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Megan was a little unsure of all of us and our commotion so the girls surrounded her in 'ya-ya' love over on the swing set.
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Me and Mamaw. I love this photo.

Mamaw and Caitlin having major talks about life.
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My Mamaw has stick straight hair that she's always permed. Needless to say, she's always loved my Mama's hair.
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Not just the hair though. As a daughter-in-law and mother-in-law they had quite the explosive beginnings. 28 years later, they've come a long way to full blown love and admiration.
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We gave Mamaw a penguin shaped Silly Band. It's my new favorite thing. Hang out with me this summer and you'll go home with a Silly Band.
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She loved it.
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Randy and Sandy. I've never not known Randy, they dated in high school and it blows my mind to see them older and grayer. This photo perfectly captures their personalities. Love them.
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When it was all over and the guests were gone we sat outside: Randy & Sandy, me and Mama, Seanathan (Jonathan and Sean), and the girls, gossiping about everyone who had left.

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I do believe the girls enjoyed this part the most.


kate said...

a) i still can't get enough of these pictures, you captured so much!

b) the resemblance between that mom and daughter is CRAZY!

c) you look so much like your grandma! i'm jealous!

d) i've been wearing your silly bandz every day since i got them :)

Expressions By Devin said...

Love looking at all the Pictures!!!!
I need a silly band. I am probably the only person in the world that doesn't have one or have bought any LOL