Due to some fancy voodoo chicken feather science I've been reading up on I think these two might be roos. Their wing feathers are shorter and blunted and their tail feathers are not nearly as present as the rest. But like I said, voodoo science. It'll be interesting to see if my prediction holds true.
Just please god let some of them be hens. They're supposed to be pullets not cockerels. But since sexing isn't an exact science and EVERYONE I'VE EVER TALKED TO IN THE UNIVERSE has me paranoid that some of them have to be roos I'm worried they all are.
Other than my paranoia over their sex I've noticed they are growing so fast. Like so fast I needed to be planning a coop like yesterday. But yesterday I was sick and at work all day long. And today I was sick and joy riding just to enjoy some sunshine. And tomorrow I might need a nap.

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