Sunday, January 29, 2012

A blog reboot, I think

It's no secret to the four people who read this blog that all I ever post about over here are the books I read throughout the year. It used to be a sort of scrapbook of my life. I started an iteration of this blog years ago at the start of my college career to document my life and attempt to be some kind of Dooce or Amalah. Which is laughable to me now. Since then the personal aspect has fallen apart.

Then I started a blog on tumblr and that was all she wrote. The politically slanted, sometimes pop-culture-y, occasionally personal blog is truly the one online venture I really care about. If you want to know more about my life the tiny little personal vignettes I post over there are probably more telling than anything I share here on blogger. And the political stuff is what I'm most passionate about. Any other life updates are found on twitter.

In an effort to simplify my online existence and avoid sounding like a broken record in too many locations I've decided I like the idea of posting more about my reading habits on this blog since I'm already sharing my 52 books goal. I'll be re-naming, and re-vamping, and heretofore will be sharing all of the bookish things on my mind in this internet location. I hope to share what I'm reading, books I'm looking forward to, and I'd like to post longer reviews on occasion. I'll also participate in bookish themed memes a couple of days each week.

I hope you'll read along as I start this new chapter!


Savannah said...

Love the re-focus! Looking forward to following your reading journey!

SassyCassie said...
