The garden is still producing. The second round of zucchini.

And more jalapenos and green peppers.

And the tallest Okra I've ever grown. I was super diligent about clipping it each week this year and it's still producing.

The tomatoes still haven't ripened in full force. There are so many still left to pick in the next couple of weeks. And quite a few that will probably be able to be wrapped in newspaper and stored in a box to ripen in the garage. I love fresh tomatoes at Thanksgiving!

The fall garden is taking off.
Including acorn squash.

And a bed of lettuce, cabbage, spinach, and brussels sprouts.

I'm still not finished planting everything for autumn and winter.
And the corn behind my parents' house is drying out. A sure sign that it's time for me to drink warm apple cider and find a place to pick pumpkins.

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