Inspired by Maggie (Mighty Girl), I’m working on my Mighty Life List: the 100 things I want to do before I go, except isn’t Mighty Life List a bit less depressing than the calling it a list of things to do before I die? I think so too. I’m all about the Life List these days.
I managed to cross several things off of my old list, like:
- Meet the Clintons
- Attend a Catholic Mass
- Learn to garden
- Buy a brand new, zero miles on it car
- Enlarge and frame a photograph I took
- Join a warehouse club
- Make yeast rolls
- Learn how to make my mom’s fudge
- See all 50 states (I’ve crossed off several since then)

But many of the things I wanted a few years ago don’t apply anymore, don’t seem as important, or need serious re-vamping. I have 27 more to list to have an even 100, but I’m stalling in order to make sure all the really important stuff is listed. So I’m curious, what are a few things on your Mighty Life List?
I'm jealous of your life list. Can I just steal yours and say I've done all of those things?
i still haven't made mine, because i get so obsessed and hung up on the little details that it's just too overwhelming. so i guess #1 on my mighty life list is: make a mighty life list.
If you are ever in Lexington I will make sure you go to the Catholic mass.
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