Since the weather finally cooperated enough to allow me to garden I spent this weekend in dirt. I helped Jonathan make 2 more raised beds from reclaimed barn wood that our dad has had in a pile for-ev-er.
Then I planted:
12 tomatoes (4 Cherokee Purple, 2 Lemon Boy, 1 Beefsteak, 1 Pineapple, 1 Brandywine, 1 Black Krim, 1 Golden Jubilee, 1 Hillbilly Potato Leaf)
3 bell peppers (2 green, 1 yellow)
6 okra plants
6 burpless hybrid cucumbers
2 zucchini
2 straight-neck yellow squash
1 crookneck yellow squash
1 container of Kentucky Wonder pole beans
Still left to plant: 1 grape tomato, 1 cherry tomato, 3 tumbling tom yellow cherry tomatoes, another container of beans (at least), summer lettuce, and whatever other things I want to test. I have several spots in the various beds with which to play around.
As for chicken coop construction? Well, it is still slow going. Even though the weather is finally nice and the chickens need a home. Why? Because I come from a long line of indecisive procrastinators. The kind who butt heads with each other over things like flooring and design and then get nothing accomplished. (Movie title: April and her Father Build Things and Discover They Are Just Alike)
Let's just say we both have strong opinions. It's
his yard and they're
my chickens. We might end up on Judge Judy.