Oh my word...so worth my time.
Can we discuss my mom for a minute? Specifically my mom and her dog?
Good. Okay, so I took these last night after dinner, so I could illustrate that when I say this dog is my mother's baby...I am so not lying.
I've seen a picture like this before, in it my mother is holding ME.
Finally a little money saving tip:
I saw all of this while I was in Walmart the other night, but when it was listed on MoneySavingMom.com this morning, I remembered to share it with everyone else. I haven't seen school supplies this cheap in several years, but it's a good time to go stock up on stuff. Whether you are in school right now or not, everyone can enjoy paper and crayons. Just saying.
Crayola Crayons (24 ct.) were 25 cents
Rose Art crayons (24 ct) were 17 cents
one subject notebooks were 5 cents
2 pocket folders were 15 cents
Elmers school glue was 22 cents
Crayola colored pencils (12 ct) were 88 cents
mmm that lasagna looks delicious! i've been wanting to make some homemade marie-barone-style lasagna forever but ever recipe i've found looks unbelievably time consuming and tedious! i do want to try the pioneer woman version though...maybe when it's not 100 degrees outside anymore!
i've been looking at recipes [translation in case boss reads this - totally working hard] all morning, which made my stomach somewhat grumbly, but this has sent me over the edge...i do believe it's lunch time!
I've been "working" all morning too. I've got an 8 piece bone in chicken that I'd rather not fry this evening and limited ingredients. It's like a recipe scavenger hunt! haha
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