The internet is overwhelming me.
First you had to have a Myspace, then Facebook was the new thing. After which I began a Xanga, only to abandon that for Blogger.
Now there is Twitter and everyone is starting a Tumblr (which is cool and all, but comments...I'm confused by this looking and reading and then not being able to leave comment stuff).
Then of course we have to have a Flickr Account, a Livejournal account if you want to join communities there, Wordpress if you want to register for comments, YouTube wants you to sign up, Vimeo if you want something a little less searchable, CNN wants to you be an iReporter, The New York Times needs your info before you can read.
I'm tired.
Nevermind the 8 THOUSAND E-Mail accounts I can barely keep up with. 2 AOL identities, one for school, another with my ISP, GMail, Hotmail, Yahoo....
So then I'll record every book I've ever read with GoodReads, manage my iTunes account, sign up for an Imeem thing, I'll make a playlist with Project Playlist and if I wasn't done there I'll make a MuxTape.
I don't have anything prolific to say about all of this. I can't decide if it's all advancing us as a society, or rotting our brains out. I can't say I could actually go through with deleting my dozen accounts. I'm simply stating the facts.
The internet is a busy place.
Just so you know... you don't HAVE to sign up for everything on the internet. It's okay.
Oh I know. It's just interesting to see what accumulates overtime. Know what I mean?
Just because I have a zillion email accounts doesn't mean I use them all, or that at one point in time they were useful to me.
guh i know exactly what you are talking about. i'm starting to think i am interneted out! i've thought about deleting everything and starting fresh but i...can't :\ haha
between 3 blogs, facebook, twitter, keeping up with other people's blogs, and everything else...aghh how did this happen?
i DID manage to quit ohnotheydidnt, which was surprising because i used to be hardcore addicted, haha...but i sorta replaced it already with jezebel so i don't know if that counts as a small victory or not!
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