I own a brand new car. I just keep repeating that over and over to myself. If you follow me on Twitter or we're friends on Facebook then you already know, and I assume if you're reading this you do one of those things. So I'll skip straight to the story of how I came to acquire the 'Grey Blur', Jon's nickname for the Nissan Versa...but we'll do this
photo essay style because I'm not terribly good with words this week.

At the dealership.

I love this one of my Mom. It was just her and I at the dealership working on the deal. She was totally cool, calm, collected and...assertive.

The view from the very back. The Versa is suprisingly roomy. More so than the Aveo and bigger than most in its class from what I've read.

I have cruise control for the first time in my life! Words don't express how excited this makes me.

Not cool? Saying goodbye to my Dad's old truck. That thing got us through many a doctor trip and honestly never had anything go wrong with it (although it was on the verge of blowing a motor and needing a transmission.)

I'll never forget the day he put this sticker on the back window. He was so proud to be a UK Dad. *sniff, sniff*

Jon was super bummed.

We were a family of 5 vehicles for a brief moment. And then it was time to downsize. We also apparently don't like color, 2 whites and 3 silver/greys? Wow. It's an accident, I swear.

And then it was done.
Our Nissan experience was awesome. I have no complaints about Neil Huffman on Shelbyville Road at all. Our interest rate is fantastic and the payments are exactly where I need them. And they processed the Aveo and the clunker with no trouble at all. I'm anxious to see how the Versa holds up. First impressions are it reminds me more of the Toyotas we've owned, more substantial and less plastic-y than the Aveo. It seems sportier, which isn't surprising since we've long referred to the Aveo as a mini-minivan. The 1.8 liter engine is a nice pick me up over the Aveo's 1.6 and definitetly adds horsepower than is noticable. The handling is smooth. I'm adjusting to the steering wheel and seat placement, but initial thoughts are I'm having more 'fun' driving it than I was with the Chevy.
My parents are rockstars to help me like this. Oh my gosh, words just do not express how thankful I am for them. At one point I was on the phone with my Dad at the dealership crying to him over how much I appreciated his support. All he asks is that I remember them in a few years and take us all to Hawaii or something. Haha. I love it and will definitely do.
But, in all seriousness, he tells me this is just what parents do and that as a family unit, the four of us will always have each other's backs in times of need. I adore our foursome! Jon figures this puts him in a good position in the near car future, which makes me laugh. Who knows, perhaps I'll pay it forward one day and help him get a deal at a car lot on something he needs and loves.
Now my focus shifts to less pleasant things: securing a job and starting school.
One more year is the phrase I keep chanting silently to myself. I can do this.