I love tomatoes probably more than the average person. However, I have to be honest...I can't eat another one of those little ones. These were pulled off a few days ago and there are 4 bushes that are still full of them.
Remind me not to plant so many next year.
Things I'm looking forward to:
Apple Cider
Apple Butter
Sweaters and jackets
Pies of all sorts, cakes too
Lattes, especially those pumpkin spice ones
Candy apples
Salted caramels
Leaves changing colors
Fall Festivals
Friday Night Lights
Grey's Anatomy
Finding new shows to love
Soups and stews
Not looking forward to:
But you know: you take the good, you take the bad.
I'm looking forward to everything on that list except Friday Night Lights. I've never seen that show.
I didn't watch it forever b/c I thought it was all about football, but oh my goodness. For real, it's the best show nobody is watching. So good.
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