Sunday, October 19, 2008

Weekends in October

Down the road, around the corner, over the hill and across the street from the elementary school sits a roadside Pumpkin stand. Near this barn and next to a cemetery.

barn october 009

barn october 011

This stand sits unattended. But they appreciate your honesty.

pumpkin stand 013

Something about that I love. I hope most people are honest.

pumpkin stand 012

pumpkin stand 011

pumpkin stand 005

pumpkin stand 004

He's finally, totally, absolutely, no question about it, taller than me. Which I suspect had something to do with the resistance to join me on this pumpkin picking adventure. Saturday night he ditched me to hang out with the new neighbors. Loser.

pumpkin stand 009

pumpkin stand 014

We picked out two pumpkins. And a couple small pumpkin shaped gourds.

pumpkin stand 016

I came home and took a cue from Martha. I glittered the small pumpkins.

pumpkin stand 022

But the best part is the plan for the big pumpkins. We'll be using stencils from Yes We Carve, to carve OBAMA PUMPKINS! I would say I have too much time on my hands, but judging from the entries on that Yes We Carve site, I'd say I'm not the only one.

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