Did you watch!?
I planned my entire day around the debate. We had the best time watching last night, my Mom was shouting out the funniest things. This morning I awoke to my Dad's best Sarah Palin impression. Ask him to do it the next time you see him, it's a hoot. I think in his previous life he was a hockey mom from Alaska...just saying.
Here is an interesting article on the prosperity gospel I blogged about a few days ago and its connection to the subprime lending crisis: Time Magazine: Did God Want You To Get That Mortgage?
Taylorsville is having an Octoberfest this weekend that I'm oddly excited about. I'm hoping there is warm cider. Or something equally as 'fall-ish'. I'm tempted to break out pumpkin roll for the first time tonight. I'll blog about it if I do because I have a fantastic recipe to share for one.
And I've decided I have to make this Crock Pot Apple Butter before my weekend is over. It sounds too easy and delicious to pass up.
But I'll admit, while the excitement of fall is all new and wonderful right now, the summer lover in me is not enjoying the cooler temperatures. I just don't think I have it in me to adjust to the colder weather. I'm sure it'll be another long winter of my whining! (I apologize in advance.)
I Love fall weather too.I love having the window open and the leaves changing on the trees.It excites me.I have been wanting to try and make apple butter for sometime now.Apple butter is the best thing ever.If it turns out , I would love the recipe.
I'll let you know how it goes!
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