Monday, April 27, 2009

Postcards from the Weekend

I had to document somewhere, that for the first time in months I actually ironed clothes, fixed my hair and wore pearls. Although it may be hard to tell all that from this fuzzy picture ( I don't know why the shirt seems wrinkly, because it wasn't. I startched it and everything.) I guess you could say I've been in a bit of a funk lately. Seasonal depression maybe. But my daily uniform has been yoga pants and pulled back hair.

True story: when you look like a house frau, you feel like a house frau.

before 017

The sad occasion was a funeral. I had other plans for a wrap dress and strappy thin heeled sandals but I learned I'd be watching Miss Riley during the visitation and therefore I went with something comfortable and un-trippy. I had visions of dropping the baby...and they were pretty terrifying.

After two days of funeral going and a million stirred up memories of my grandmother I was pretty ready to do something that didn't involve dead grandmas.

Tada! The garden!

Before tilling, note the little square I used last year that housed 18 tomato plants, 3 squash plants and 1 cucumber bush:
before 018

After tilling, note the tremendous expansion:
after 001

Our neighbor offered to come over with his tractor and till it for me. Saving me $32 and a broken back. It was awesome. I don't think the proportions appropriately correlate in that photo as the plot seems much larger in person. For reference, the shorter plot is 16ft x 30ft and the long stretch is 9ft x 53ft. More garden than I've ever worked with. But it should be amazing.

first bonfire 008
Then we had a bonfire. And learned Jack loves his marshmallows roasted, not plain.

The end.


SassyCassie said...

You look cute! I learned that if I just wear a little bit of make-up, I feel better and people don't comment on how tired I look! lol!

And holy crap that garden is huge! I'm sitting over here with my tiny back yard feeling jealous!

kate said...

you look adorable!!

i'm super jealous of your backyard garden...i'm dreaming of the day i can do it myself. and bonefires too, be still my heart!

April said...

Thanks, both of you! :)