Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Great Cicada Summer

Cicadas have become the bane of my existence. Today I came inside from a trip to the store, heard that characteristic screeching and immediately threw my purse to the floor, it was covered in THREE of those nasty little bugs.

Jon has taken to playing tennis with them. He'll run around in the yard swatting at them as they fly up towards his face. Sometimes he can be seen shaking trees to scare them out.

Tonight I noticed Jon, his friend and her cousin traipsing through our backyard with several tennis rackets in hand. Turns out they were headed to the woods near our house to find some more cicadas to kill.

I've been packing. Or at least organizing my piles into hate, hate it more, and hate it the least.

It's not going so hot to be honest.


kate said...

i actually had to drive through shelbyville this past weekend and couldn't believe how bad the cicadas were up there! the noise is deafening and my car is COVERED in guts now...ick ick ick. they are seriously the size of small birds!

they aren't so bad here yet (thank god) but one did ride into our house on my head the other night. thank god chuck norris (my fat cat) made it his personal mission to kill it...which he did...but then left me a lovely present of a cicada head and 1 wing at the bottom of the stairs. guhhhhhhhross.

April said...

Further proof my animals are not earning their keep.