Sunday, June 29, 2008

You Asked For It

This weekend at lunch with a few of my favorite ladies the subject of tubal ligation popped up. I know, tubal ligation just popping up into a conversation? Look, ask them...I still don't know.

At any rate, there we were discussing the ol' tubes. Various stories began to pop up, stories that I will admit...are still giving me nightmares. Things like how the legal consent for tubal ligation is TWENTY FIVE and even worse....that your HUSBAND has to give his consent.

Oh hell no.

You know me, always the women's libber, I've grown quite fond of the whole "my body, my rights" thing. I simply could not believe what I was hearing. How could it possibly be true? I knew for a fact that a woman didn't need consent from her HUSBAND to have an abortion, why the hell would she need consent to have her tubes tied??

I pride myself on my google abilities, I know I'm not the only one, but I have a knack for finding ANYTHING on the internet.

Let me just say, Tubal Ligation Laws? Not the easiest thing I've ever searched for.

But never fear.

To all who requested at lunch.

To all who are reading and are now curious.

In the Commonwealth of Kentucky there are NO laws requiring husband consent for tubal ligation. NOR are there any laws prohibiting the procedure for anyone over the age of TWENTY ONE.

You just sign a consent form at least 30 DAYS PRIOR to the procedure.

(Sidenote: I found out through my mother that I have an aunt who had her tubes tied years ago and to this day my uncle has NO CLUE. Haha, family secrets....)

Now, how exactly do we get confused on the where, whys and hows of tubal ligation?

Much like abortion, tubal ligation (and vascectomy) are up to the doctor. They have full rights to SAY NO, discourage you as much as possible, or SIMPLY REFUSE to perform the procedure.

Your insurance provider can also set specific guidelines for tubal ligation, refusing to pay for one until you've passed a certain age, or number of children...etc.

But by God, if you want one, are determined to have one, you can. Just find a doctor. (Which Planned Parenthood can help you with, I'm told.)

Me? I'm just thrilled to learn there is nothing stopping me from having my tubes tied in my great state. Yes, I might want children someday, but I was disturbed enough by all of this to want the procedure next week.

I feel a little more in control of my body now.

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