*I did the sewing on the quilt block by hand and by myself. Needless to say, lots of patting myself on the back has gone on this evening.
*Happy Birthday Dad & Madonna.
*The cake was strawberry, not my fave but my Dad is a big fan.
*My brother thinks he wants to grow his hair out and find out at what length it becomes curly. The ends are curling as of recent, but the rest is still thick and fro like. I'm none to pleased, but somebody has to document this ridiculousness.
that cake looks divine. to be honest i'd like nothing more than to eat the frosting off of it in one sitting. don't worry - i won't! i am too far away for one thing, and i can barely eat anything at this point (which probably explains my overwhelming desire to faceplant in a strawberry cake) so you are safe. but...mmmm.
love the quilt, can't wait to see how it turns out!!
I wish you were A-closer so I could bring you a piece and B-actually able to eat it! But since neither of those are possible I'm just going to have a eat a piece FOR you. It'll be tough, but I think I'm up to task. ;)
I hope you're at least beginning to feel better!
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