It's true. At one point my mother looked and me and said, 'I'm 14 years younger than she is but I wish my ass looked that good.'
I think it can be said that the camera does add 15 pounds to a person. And the pantsuits might be a little deceiving. Because Hillary Clinton is the tiniest, most petite thing in real life. And a lot of things are said about her that I don't think are true. Like in the immortal words of Amy Poehler, 'shrew, harpie, flurge and cankles.' But I'm here to tell you, my mother and I walked away knowing why Bill Clinton begged for forgiveness, she's way hotter that that Monica lady ever thought about being.
And I don't think it's sexist to say these things. I spent days drooling over how sexy Bill Clinton was back in April. Okay, it's just the truth. And one of those indelible things you think of when meeting famous people. They aren't as tall or short as you thought they were, they have bad hair. You know?
Hillary is adorable. She is also just as bit as intelligent as you'd think. She's a fantastic speaker. Maybe not Bill or Barack caliber, but the crowd LOVED her. Hillary Clinton is totally personable and charismatic.
Trust me, I would know:
The details:
- I almost didn't go. But at the last minute was pushed out the door by my family, with the assistance of my travel Mom.
- We arrived at 12:45, we left at 3:45, we stood on our feet in an overcrowded room with no water for all that time in between. That alone certifies my Clinton Groupie Official Membership.
- She still wasn't as late as Bill was back in April.
- I forgive her for the lateness though. There are lots of hands to shake.
- As I said, she's tiny. Little waist, little hands. Little. Despite the scaling in that photo above. Just trust me on this.
- Bruce Lunsford is also WAY short.
- We stood to the left of the stage, one row of people back, but as Hillary began working the crowd the lady in front of me MOVED, in a strategic TWIST OF FATE, and that's how I ended up with a prime picture taking spot.
- She signed my book with 'Hillary Rodham Clinton', the stuff she signed before my book were only signed with 'Hillary'. I feel special.
- She also shook our hands and thanked us for our support when we told her what a fan we were.
- Secret Service never fails to entertain me. She was surrounded by like 6 of them. But they scanned each person with their supersonic eyeballs before she could reach us.
- The Democratic Party is alive and well in Kentucky. Excitement levels were good.
- All the Hillary supporters I met HATE Sarah Palin. At one point a guy started a chant, 'Sarah's a failin' and McCain can't'.
- She repeated 'No Way, No How, No McCain, No Palin'.
- Mentioned Barack and Joe SEVERAL times, and how we needed Barack in the White House.
- Governor Beshear spoke, as well as Kathy Stein, and former governor John Y. Brown Jr. was there with former wife, they are back together I think (still not sure of that situation) Phyllis George.

Edited to add: Kathy Stein and Governor Beshear fist bumped in an homage to Barack Obama as Gov. Beshear was leaving the stage. Which was, admittedly, adorkably cute.
that's crazy!!!! so, so awesome.
the picture of you with her is amazing, of course, but my favorite is the crazy security guys in the background...i lol'd at the one on facebook where the body guard has crazy googly eyes
The secret service crack me up so much. They are SO serious about what they do. Which I guess is a good thing. But still, major lols.
That is really awesome.I know you were super excited about it.That bodyguard in the background cracked me up.It looks scary!!!lol
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