Wednesday, March 26, 2008

100 Things to do Before I Go: 77-100

77. See Hillary Clinton in person.
78. Visit Land Between the Lakes.
79. Go horseback riding.
80. Buy a brand new, zero miles on it, car.
81. Join a produce co-op.
82. Buy a Coach "Carly" bag.
83. Eat lobster.
84. Roadtrip US 1.
85. Learn how to can.
86. Make my own bread, and yeast rolls.
87. Take care of a houseplant.
88. Visit quaint places in Kentucky and take pictures.
89. Do something crafty with all of my shells.
90. Visit Disney World.
91. Make Creme Brulee, with the torch thing.
92. Get fit.
93. Take vitamins on a regular basis, not sporadicly like I do now.
94. Take an RV trip.
95. Run for town council or something like that. (maybe)
96. Get a tattoo.
97. Join a warehouse club.
98. Be spontaneous.
99. Enlarge and frame a photograph that I took.
100. Host another bonfire.

(Notes about my 100 things. I tried to come up with attainable things. Some of which aren't entirely possible now, some are an ongoing process and some I could do tomorrow. I think it's a nice mix. I fully intend to revisit this list and cross things off. If I never finish all 100 that will be fine. Each one I do is just icing.)

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