Thursday, February 21, 2008

What a Joke

Ice Storm Warning.

Are you freakin' kidding me?

I'm not even going to talk about how unhappy this weather makes me, because you know already.

So I'll leave it at that, there's an ice storm coming. *rolls eyes*

In other news I'm severely angry for no reason. I'm blaming February.

I am also bored. Would anyone like for me to plan their vacation?

My birthday is coming up. So at least there is that. But really? What's a birthday past your childhood? Boring. Kind of annoying. Am starting to feel old, or something.

I'm still sick. Not nearly as bad, but I have a cough that won't go away and I've had to use my inhaler a few times. So that sucks.

Jon still sounds horrible. Poor thing.

At least spring break is around the corner.

Hopefully it's not freezing by then...


kate said...

i am not even acknowledging the ice storm, i refuse to make eye contact or give it any sort of recognition.

plan a vacation for meee!!! oh and also...uh, well i will need you to fund it as well.

i want...warm breezes, powdery sand, bright blue water, and nice boys. ok go!

April said...

Hmm, well...if I'm funding I might have a nice Flickr group you could visit. ;)