an iPod Touch and an iPod nano.
a new computer.
a Yankee Candle air freshener for my car (the new car smell is only faint now. *sad face*)
a kitten and a puppy
a trip to any of the following: Sanibel, Anna Maria Island, Captiva, Naples, SoWal, Charleston.
not just passing Italian, but coming out with an A or a B.
one of those Netflix Roku boxes.
my next History paper writes itself.
new pairs of tennis shoes that I actually like.
a different color cardigan for every day of the week.
small diamond earrings.
a hair stylist I actually like and want to visit once in a while.
an outlet mall trip and money to spend while I'm there.
My mother wrote me this little note last night, just because she was curious:

The short answer: I probably have early onset Alzheimer's.
Daily Molly:

One Year Ago Today:

I don't ever want to forget how amazing that night was.
I LOLed at that note! Passive aggressive, much? haha...
hahaha our moms are possibly twins :)
also - i second & amen every single item on that wishlist. so if you end up getting doubles of know...
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