Sunday, April 6, 2008

Another Variation on a Vet Story (the doctor I see more than my own)

A vet visit comparison:

  • cleaned wound, shaved around puncture
  • given 2 antibiotic injections
  • sent home with topical spray to use twice daily for a week

Total: $106

  • put under general anesthesia
  • abscess sliced open and drained
  • drain tube inserted and incision is stapled AND sutured up
  • castrated since he was under anyway
  • given Amoxil in liquid form to take twice daily until gone
Total: $139

While I understand why Zena's bill was what it was, because of the injections and $30 topical spray, it blows my mind that all of that for Hercules only cost $139. My Mom braced herself for an upwards of $300 visit while we were waiting on his surgery to be over. Needless to say, she was more than pleasantly surprised.

My mother, in her previous job form, took drain tubes and staples and sutures out of people all day long. The vet felt comfortable bestowing this honor on her for Herc so we don't have to return on Monday. While I've gotten forcing the medicine down his throat down pat, I'm more than relieved it's not me removing this tomorrow.

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