A nest of Kildeer Eggs near our house. Until a google search last night I thought it was Kildee...no R, eggs. But apparently it's just further proof that we don't always pronounce things right in Kentucky. The Kildeer mama was guarding her nest, as they do. And Jon thought it was hilarious that I was nearly attacked in the making of this picture.
It went down like this:
Jon: April, go ahead and get closer to get a good picture.
Me: But the mama bird seems very angry over there, Jon.
Jon: Nah, she just struts around, she won't attack you.
Me: You sure?
Jon: I wouldn't lie to you.
So I leaned in, snapped the photo and the Mama bird took off after me at which point Jon began running and yelled back to me:
"I lied! Now....RUN RUN RUN!"
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