Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Election '08 Through Jon's Eyes (or camera lens)

Every once in a while something comes along that is so embarrassing, your immediate thought is, "hey, I must post this on the internet."

Right? I'm not the only one who thinks this?

So a few weeks ago I put a camera into the hands of my brother. A nice camera. With lots of nifty features. And he's loved it. I've barely seen him anywhere without it. I've also, apparently, barely noticed that he's been shooting video clips with that camera when nobody notices.

I eventually caught onto his game and began to grow increasingly alarmed with every moment of my life turning into Candid Camera.

Which is how I found this gem when clearing off his SD card. And since Flickr now hosts short video clips, I figured it was the perfect way to test it out.

I apologize in advance for the yelling. I know it's hard to imagine me this way. ;)

And I'll preface this by allowing you this image: imagine Jon is Barack Obama and I'm Hillary Clinton. I think that's the effect he was going for.

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