Saturday, March 22, 2008

100 Things to Do Before I Go: 1-25

1. Fall in love, for real.
2. Truly own a home.
3. Attend The Derby, wear a beautiful hat.
4. Take a picture in front of Buckingham Palace.
5. Be Published.
6. Rent a place on the beach for an entire summer.
7. Go fishing in the bahamas.
8. Experience motherhood.
9. Stay close to my family (develop that huge extended family I always wanted).
10. Get my palm read in the French Quarter.
11. See Savannah, Georgia.
12. See all 50 states.
13. Feel really awesome and accomplished.
14. Washington Square; at night.
15. A kiss on New Years Eve.
17. Play with my own children in my own backyard.
18. Work on a Presidential Campaign.
19. Visit all of the Presidential Libraries; or at least the important ones (The Dems and Reagan)
20. Pay my respects at JFK, Jackie and Bobby's graves; see the eternal flame at night.
21. Visit the Lincoln Memorial, also at night.
22. Make sure my Dad knows how much I love him.
23. Take care of my Mom, make her see and do things adventurous.
24. Raise free thinking children who learn respect and tolerance.
25. Make a difference in a constructive way, not just with a pocketbook.


kate said...

hahah do you read mighty girl too? :)

i want to do this too but aghhh i don't even know where to start!!

April said...

Of course. I tried her 100 moments to flash before my eyes, but clearly...have not lived long enough. LOL