Every evening without fail, around the time Mom is due home, Molly and Jill take up this position...watching and waiting for her arrival. I've seen days when they'll stand or lay around this door for an hour waiting on her. And when she arrives it kicks off mass pandemonium and they bark and run around the kitchen waiting on their mom to pick them up and love on them.
They say all of those cliche things about dogs and unconditional love. And while it all seems so mushy, I'm the first to admit every single bit of it is true. I'm willing to get mushy myself and assert that while there are days when the three of them exhaust us all to no end, I don't know what any of us would do without them in our lives. Pure joy, simplicity and bliss is amazing to witness through their eyes.
If I am ever reincarnated, I'm totally coming back as a dog.
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