I love my family. I love my family. I love my family.
Oops, sorry. I have to keep repeating that mantra today.
So anyways. I do need some advice.
What are your thoughts on racerback shirts and bra straps? Specifically I bought this dress from target:

So the straps are not noticeable at all from the front, you just see them in the back of the dress. Do I get a racerback bra, do I rock the bra straps showing, or... no bra at all (which I'm not entirely comfortable with, btw)?
i would go with a racerback...plus they are great for under t-shirts, etc (i love them for everyday wear because you never have to deal with straps slipping down your shoulders!)
p.s. i love that dress...i think that is the one i almost got last night! haha
p.p.s. lest you think i am a creepy stalker, the reason i always comment so quickly is bc it emails me when you post on myspace...but then i check this (and i am always online bc i am procrastinating at work!! lol)
Haha, I love it. Instant feedback!
Thanks for the advice. I hate bra shopping with a passion, but I think I'm going to be investing in a couple of racerbacks this weekend. Never thought of the shoulder strap problem but it sounds like a great fix for that too. Woohoo! lol
The dress is really comfortable. I wasn't so sure about the ruffly-ness, but it works I think.
It's kind of my dream to have small boobies and be able to wear cute clothes.
[Not very helpful, I know.]
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